Table of Content
1. A Leap from Negative to Positive Bond. A Step towards Project
3. An Intelligent Advisory System to Support Managerial Decisions for A
4. Challenges for Management in Implementing Reforms at the Ministry
5. Efficiency and Effectiveness of the European Parliament under the
6. Value Positions and Relationships in the Swedish Digital Government
9. International Branch Campuses as an Entry Mode to the Foreign Education Market
10. Strengthening Tourists’ Engagement in Guided Hiking and Trekking
11. Planning Project Stakeholder Engagement from a Sustainable Development Perspective
14. Exploring Strategy-Making in ‘Non-New Public Management’ Public
15. Growth Intention and Growth in Small Accounting Firms
18. Knowledge, Renewal and Flexibility. Exploratory Research in Family Firms
19. Life Cycle Assessment of Honey. Considering the Pollination Service
20. Managing Restaurant Attributes for Destination Satisfaction. What Goes beyond Food
26. The Best Practice of CRM Implementation for Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises
27. The Effects of Corruption in Entrepreneurial Ecosystems on Entrepreneurial Intentions
30. Why and How Women in Business Can Make Innovations in Light of the Sustainable Development Goals